Netflix Password Sharing Ban: All You Need To Know!

On May 23, Netflix released an update saying that it will be sending emails to members who are sharing Netflix outside their households in the United States. Netflix wants to regulate password sharing in multiple countries. Netflix’s new password-sharing regime avoids a complete ban in the following ways.

  1. No ban on household sharing 
  2. Transfer a profile option
  3. Buy an extra member; Pay Netflix for adding an extra member

For years, Netflix kept people together when it comes to watching online web shows, series, and movies as one user account could be used by multiple people. This remained one of the easiest ways of accessing quality OTT content among households and friends. Netflix too benefited from its market dominance. But with competition from other OTT platforms such as Disney+, Amazon, Netflix suffered financially. Its subscriber base declined by around a million between April and July 2022. 

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Meanwhile, to increase its revenue, Netflix tried to raise its prices. But, it was not enough for it to invest and bring new content. According to Forbes, there are around 100 million people sharing passwords in the United States, and Netflix wants to monetize them.

“We recognize that our members have many entertainment choices. It’s why we continue to invest heavily in a wide variety of new films and TV shows — so whatever your taste, mood or language and whoever you’re watching with, there’s always something satisfying to watch on Netflix.” said a Netflix in an official release.  

Netflix Account Regulation Rules 

In short, Netflix sharing within households is permitted, while people joining from outside will have to pay an additional fee. So, it is not a complete ban, instead, Netflix is looking to make money from sharing by making it paid.

Here are the new features of Netflix password sharing:

Transfer a Profile:

Anyone on your account can now transfer a profile and pay for it. 

Buy an extra member:

If you want to add someone who doesn’t live with you, you will have to pay an extra $7.99 to keep an external member.