What is Stiff Person Syndrome? 


Celine Dion's announcement of her incurable illness shocked fans globally.

Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS)


Celine Dion

She disclosed suffering from Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS), shedding light on this little-known ailment.


neurological disorder

SPS is an exceedingly rare autoimmune neurological disorder. The syndrome induces muscle stiffness and intermittent painful spasms, potentially worsening over time.


Most commonly diagnosed

Most commonly diagnosed in individuals aged 40 to 50, it can affect children and older adults in exceptional cases.


Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS)

The prevalence of SPS is estimated at one to two cases per million people.


european tour cancelled

Celine Dion's deteriorating health due to SPS led to the cancellation of her European tour.

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